Spaniard runner in the world

I'm from Spain, I like running and I'm living out of Spain, all over the world for more than 9 years. And with this blog I can practize my written english... Every body is welcome!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Getting installed...

Well, it is amazing how fast the time goes. It has been almost three months since we arrived at the US. If we look back, we have done a lot of things!!

Our kids are settled down at school, we have a new house and car and step by step our life gets normal.

And, every day we learn something new about this country and his way of life. It has been an exhausting effort but here we are. We hope we will enjoy our stay here, and our kids would learn english in a better way than their parents did!!

On the picture, a restaurant on the Navy Pier in Chicago. I don't know exactly why this message is there, but it was funny to find it there!! Posted by Picasa


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