Spaniard runner in the world

I'm from Spain, I like running and I'm living out of Spain, all over the world for more than 9 years. And with this blog I can practize my written english... Every body is welcome!!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Views from my house

Isn't it beautiful? We are used to live in small appartments on the other side of the planet. In Europe, and specially in Spain, people use to live in appartments not bigger than 800/900 square feet. Eh, and more expensives than where we live now!!

In Spain, the gouvernment was thinking in supporting what they called "habitational solutions", solutions for housing which were appartments 250 square feet!!

But the US is the open space country, everything is big!! You go to a restaurant and you get one litre of coke for drink!!

Today I am ill, I have gone several times to the "toilette" and it doesn't look to go better since two days ago. Even that, yesterday I was able to run, and today I would like to run at nigth, on the treadmill, I will see how I feel...
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