Spaniard runner in the world

I'm from Spain, I like running and I'm living out of Spain, all over the world for more than 9 years. And with this blog I can practize my written english... Every body is welcome!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Memories from other places...

Just reading expat travel's blog, looking at the photos shown in her blog, I remembered the time spent in my destinations before, the different cultures and places visited.

This funny picture is from one trip to the desert in Tunisia, with my wife (at that time only girlfriend). I had been living on this country for a bit more than one year and a half, not in the desert but in the capital town, in Tunis. It was a really great experience, I made lots of tunisian friends, and now that all the radical violence from certain Islam sectors is increasing, I can say that there's also other type of Islam people, much more important in number, who want to live in peace, who respect different cultures, specially occidental culture. The radical ones are a minority, and at least in Tunisia, I didn't see radical people during all my stay there.

I have some more pictures of this trip, specially a very good one with my wife and I mounted in camels...I'll have to ask the permission to blog it...

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Blogger Bike Drool said...

Memories are sometimes deceiving, but often is the case, that they are sweet.

10:52 AM  
Blogger Bike Drool said...

Memories are sometimes deceiving, but often is the case, that they are sweet.

10:52 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ah yes - I'm hoping to find a few more of my pics in my old computer some time soon! Thanks for the mention Jcerunner!

And I'm happy youre stopping by more often. :)

3:54 PM  

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