Spaniard runner in the world

I'm from Spain, I like running and I'm living out of Spain, all over the world for more than 9 years. And with this blog I can practize my written english... Every body is welcome!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Winter...not so terrible till now

Well, yes, the winter arrived and the snow and the cold appeared in front of us. It has been, well, it continues being, a period of discovery and new sensations for all of us.

My family and I we had never been below 32ºF for so long, only once in a while every winter and when that happened, it was most of the time during the night.

So this was absolut new for us. First of all, I decided that I would try to change the minimum my way of life: specially concerning my runs.
This was easy to say and difficult to undertake!!

Day after day I have been doing new PR's concerning running in the cold!! From running in the therties, continuing in the twenties finishing running around 5ºF!! Even now I am scared about those temperatures!! I am proud of that.

I have run with snow, ice, wind and always thinking: "...just keep going!!"

But I have to say that during the week ends, I didn't run alone: always with those awesome crazy runners that I met in the Dunes National Park!! I really apreciate what this wonderful group of runners have done to me.

Look one of the amazing trails in the Dunes!! Posted by Picasa

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