Spaniard runner in the world

I'm from Spain, I like running and I'm living out of Spain, all over the world for more than 9 years. And with this blog I can practize my written english... Every body is welcome!!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Views from my house

Isn't it beautiful? We are used to live in small appartments on the other side of the planet. In Europe, and specially in Spain, people use to live in appartments not bigger than 800/900 square feet. Eh, and more expensives than where we live now!!

In Spain, the gouvernment was thinking in supporting what they called "habitational solutions", solutions for housing which were appartments 250 square feet!!

But the US is the open space country, everything is big!! You go to a restaurant and you get one litre of coke for drink!!

Today I am ill, I have gone several times to the "toilette" and it doesn't look to go better since two days ago. Even that, yesterday I was able to run, and today I would like to run at nigth, on the treadmill, I will see how I feel...
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Getting installed...

Well, it is amazing how fast the time goes. It has been almost three months since we arrived at the US. If we look back, we have done a lot of things!!

Our kids are settled down at school, we have a new house and car and step by step our life gets normal.

And, every day we learn something new about this country and his way of life. It has been an exhausting effort but here we are. We hope we will enjoy our stay here, and our kids would learn english in a better way than their parents did!!

On the picture, a restaurant on the Navy Pier in Chicago. I don't know exactly why this message is there, but it was funny to find it there!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 16, 2006

Deer and running...

What an amazing discovery the other day!! While I was running in this beautiful national park called the Dunes, I saw those wonderful animals, peaceful and elegant. It is really nice to be able to run in such a beautiful place!!It is worthy to take the car and drive around half an hour to get there. I think running in areas like that is really a privilege.

Today I feel bad, maybe I am going to have a cold, I hope I will feel better tomorrow. Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 13, 2006

Chicago, amazing city!!

Yeah, Chicago is spectacular!! We have been there a couple of times and when you walk by Michigan Avenue or you see the skyskrappers you can't avoid to say "Wow".

It was a pitty I couldn't run the half marathon of October 1st in Chicago, but it was difficult for me to get there on time. We have approximately 1h15 of communiting to Chicago.

For sur, my next year's target is to run the Chicago's marathon!!
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Thursday, October 12, 2006

I am back...

Well, several months later, I am back again!!
During this summer we have had lots of changes!! Yes, I am in the US now living, near Chicago!!

We arrived with my family at the end of July and those last months haven't being easy!!

But here we are, trying to learn the "american way of live" and trying to get installed as soon as possible.

We are happy here, a little bit scared because of the weather but happy!!

And about running...I haven't stopped running, it has been very important for me during this time.

On the pictures you can see where I usually run during the week-ends now... Posted by Picasa

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